Once you master just ONE (or all 🙂 ) of these 6 techniques, your manifestations will come to you soooo much faster. You will be shocked at how easy it was all along after reading this post. I know I was amazed at how much quicker MY manifestations came to me after making these minor changes in my life. 

And the best part? These techniques are so different from each other that I’m confident you’ll find your perfect match among them.

watch me talk about it if reading is not your thing

Technique 1: Accept the Power of Your Imagination

Technique number 1 is as easy as simply accepting the power of your imagination. With this I mean: acknowledge how simple manifesting truly is:

  1. Want something? Visualize it clearly and feel it as though it’s already yours.
  2. Stop referring to it as a desire. Consider it as something you already have.
  3. Act grateful as if it’s already part of your reality.

Every time you catch yourself referring to your desire as ‘your desire’ or thinking of it as something in the future, STOP yourself.

What desire? It’s not a desire if you already have it. Be grateful that you have it, and then go about your day as if it’s already part of your reality. That’s what you would do if it were already here.

Neville Goddard (a major advocate of the Law of Assumption, he showed how using imagination can make your desires feel real and come to life) put this concept in THE BEST words:

“When man finally identifies himself with his imagination rather than his senses, he has at long last discovered the core of reality.” — Neville Goddard

After this, stop trying to manifest it and stop thinking: “Did I do my techniques right?” Once you can feel it while imagining that you have it, you’re set.

Let’s check how Neville Goddard would answer some of the most asked questions in regards to limiting beliefs like that: 

Common Questions and Neville Goddard’s Answers

Q: I desire something intensely, but it isn’t manifesting.

“It is not what you want that you attract, you attract what you believe to be true.” — Neville Goddard

Q: Despite watching all of the manifestation videos out there, I am not seeing results.

“Knowing what to do is one thing. Doing it is another; and we are called upon to be doers of the word, and not just hearers only, deceiving ourselves. You can read one of my books over and over again.

You can tell others what the book says, but if you never apply its message, the mere reading of its words will not benefit you. But if you will test your imagination, it will prove itself in performance.” — Neville Goddard

Q: My 3D reality reflects the opposite of what I desire.

“No matter what happens, turn within and be still.” — Neville Goddard

Technique 2: Fall Asleep | The Power of Sleep

falling asleep

Technique number 2 is Neville Goddard-approved, and it’s called “Fall Asleep.” In Neville’s own words:

“But I do believe that sleeping during the action in some strange way seems to hasten the interval between the doing and the realization of it.

Of course, you don’t have to sleep, but I have found from experience that if I can fall asleep while I’m performing the action, the action which implies the fulfillment of my dream, that I quickly collapse the time. In little Barbados, it took me less than one day to have passage on the ship.”

— 1955 Neville Goddard TV Talk

Why It Works

The time between wakefulness and sleep is incredibly special. During this brief period, you have enough willpower to repeat an affirmation or visualize a scene, but you’re not conscious enough for your rational mind to question its truth.

Whatever you focus on during this time goes straight to your subconscious.

How to Use This Technique

So, instead of affirming for hours during the day, do it for just 10 minutes before you sleep, and you’ll be catapulted into your new reality.

This is seriously one of those techniques you constantly hear about and it makes sense but somehow you never really try it -> then one sweet, random day you do -kinda on accident- and 3 days later you receive your manifestation. Thinking “How did I sleep on this?” (pun definitely intended)

Long Story Short

Give it a try!:)

Technique 3: Increase the Intensity

a boy being intense

Technique number 3 is also Neville-inspired… yay! It’s all about intensity. Neville says:

“You can shorten the interval by intensity. Like boiling water… I can put a pot of water on in the morning and think I turned up the entire flame, but I didn’t.

So, I wonder, when I finish reading my paper, what happened to that water? Where is my tea? Only to find I didn’t turn it on or I turned it on with a tiny flame. So, the intensity would hasten the boiling point.”

— Neville Goddard (From “The Fall and Restoration: 1968 Lectures”)

How to Turn Up the Intensity

So, how can you turn up the intensity? Simply by immersing yourself in your visualization more deeply and for longer periods than usual. If you typically visualize for 5 minutes, try extending it to 15 minutes.

If your visualizations usually lack detail, this time, be as detailed as possible—incorporate all five senses, make-up smells, feelings, colors, whatever!

A Little Heads-Up

Your manifestations work regardless of your intensity—it’s an enhancement. As Neville puts it:

“… if you are loyal to unseen reality, it will work regardless. Even though it seems like an extended interval of time, it will still boil if I am loyal. But if I’m intense, I simply hasten the birth, as it were. I believe in feeling… I believe in all these senses right to the very end.”
— Neville Goddard (From “The Fall and Restoration: 1968 Lectures”)

Technique 4: Make Time to Imagine

a woman dreaming

Technique number 4 is about making time for imagining your ideal reality. 

Sometimes we THINK that we make time to imagine or affirm our perfect reality BUT if we are really honest the majority of thoughts are affirming your CURRENT reality and it’s just a fraction of your time that is dedicated to nurturing your inner reality and that is why you are not seeing it just yet.

I know it is easier said than done if you are busy and not used to this. But as with every habit if you can keep this up for about 21 days then you will naturally do this without it feeling like a chore:

  • Commit to three 5-10 minute TIMED sessions daily of focused visualization or affirmations.
  • Stick with it for 21 days to make it a natural habit.

Commit to this even if you are not feeling like it, future you will thank you.

Technique 5: View Challenges as Opportunities

a man solving a puzzle

Technique number 5 is about seeing ‘bad things’ aka challenges as opportunities

An opportunity to prove to yourself how amazing of a manifest-er you are and how much you are learning along the way.

You can flip any experience from negative into positive so no matter what happens, show this light-heartedness, this certainty every time you are faced with situations that seem unpleasant at first sight -> what have we learned? they are opportunities!:)

Technique 6: Revise Your Manifestation Skills

a girl drawing

This one is a technique I found on Reddit and I fell in love with its simple yet powerful nature: to speed up your manifestations go back to your childhood in your imagination and revise that you were taught manifesting at a young age by your parents.

Every year they are so impressed by how much faster and faster your imaginal acts physically manifest. Do this daily and the present catches up and you will see quite the shift. 

Revision isn’t just to correct things, it’s to implant things so they grow to full power instantly when you come out of the imaginary act. Revision is to plant seeds in the “past” so they are at full bloom in the “now


Apply (don’t be a hearer, be a doer!) these techniques and observe how quickly your manifestations begin to materialize. 

If you enjoyed this post and want more tips, don’t forget to leave me a comment with your suggestions, your wishes, or questions.

As always thanks for reading, and remember: Sustain Your Will and Manifest Your Best Life.

6 Techniques to speed up your manifestations listicle

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