Have you ever felt stuck in a cycle of negative thoughts, desperately wishing for a change but unsure where to start?

What if I told you that the key to manifesting your dream life—whether it’s wealth, love, or success—can be unlocked in just 68 seconds?

watch me talk about it

The 68-Second Method (to Manifest Anything & Anyone)

infographic showing the 4+ steps to manifest anythıng & anyone in 68-seconds

If you can keep your focus on the vision of your dream life for 68 seconds, just 68 seconds, and detach from your current reality for those moments, then you can manifest whatever it is that you want, no matter what is currently going on in your life.

Circumstances Do Not Matter

I don’t care what exactly your situation is; it is powerless, and it will disappear once you starve it by taking away your attention from it as often and as long as you can (but at least 68 seconds at a time). 

Whether you have $0 to your name and want to manifest big amounts of money, or your boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, or wife broke up with you in the messiest, most brutal breakup possible, and you are blocked everywhere and want to manifest them back—congratulations, you can! Because it does not matter.

The 68-Second Challenge 

From now on, I want you to NOT comment on your undesirable circumstances at all. At least for the next three days and you will see how good that feels.

Don’t even think about it! Instead, I want you to take a timer, set it to 68 seconds, and start writing about your dream reality. Once the timer rings, post it as a comment here, under my video, or in a forum of your choice.

Why 68 Seconds?

abraham hicks quote about holding your attention for 68 seconds, it says: “When you repeatedly return to a pure thought, maintaining it for at least 68 seconds, (...) that thought becomes a dominant thought.’’

So why 68 seconds, you may ask? What is this lady on about?
Well, 68 seconds is a Law of Attraction concept by Abraham Hicks (I know, I know), but it aligns perfectly with the principles of the Law of Assumption and what Neville Goddard said about dominant thoughts and intensity—look it up!

In Ask and It Is Given, this concept is worded as follows:
“When you repeatedly return to a pure thought, maintaining it for at least 68 seconds, in a short period of time (hours in some cases or a few days in others), that thought becomes a dominant thought. And once you achieve a dominant thought, you will experience matching manifestations until you change it.”

And that is exactly why your circumstances don’t matter (your mindset does.). They appeared because your current self—what you are currently saying “I am” to—is inviting these circumstances in:

  • I am broke.”
  • I am unloved.”
  • I am unworthy.”

Whatever it is, once you starve these “I am’s” by not focusing on them anymore, you succeed. (Instead start repeating these powerful affirmations.)

Because if you don’t think, speak, or actively feel it, it is no longer a dominant thought. It is energetically not invited, and it has no other choice than to leave. That is the law.
It has to make space for the new dominant thought, which is your dream reality in the best-case scenario.

How Long Should You Do This?

For as many days as you need for it to appear in your reality. But usually, after around the 21-day to 1-month mark, you will start doing these automatically anyway. It will become a habit—a very beneficial one at that!

Do it religiously:
  • right after you wake up
  • every time you are about to act in your 3D in hopes of getting closer to your dream reality
  • every time you get a triggering thought
  • and finally, every time before bed.

If you want to speed things up significantly, check out How to 100x SPEED UP Your Manifestations: 6 Easy Techniques

Tips and Tricks to Manifest Anything or Anyone

infographic with 5 prompts to manifest anything

1. Focus on yourself

The trick here is to not focus directly on the object of your desire—money, a person, health, fame, fortune, or whatever it is that you want. Instead, focus on how these things will serve you and how they will cater to you.

You should always take center stage in your life. Nothing is ever as important as you are, even in imagination.

And I don’t mean that in an obnoxious way, like stomping on everyone and saying they are worth nothing. No, but you should never love anything more than you love yourself. Ironically, only this way can you be of service to others. This is an entirely different topic; I am not going to dive into that right now.

2. Gratitude is key

Another tip I have is to incorporate gratitude into your daily life for things that already exist, even the seemingly minor ones. Why? Because, unfortunately, when we’re focused on manifesting, we sometimes get trapped in the feeling of lack. That’s when you start noticing what’s missing instead of what’s already abundant.

Gratitude is the antidote to that “lack mindset.” When you acknowledge the good things you already have—no matter how small—you’re signaling to the universe, “I want more of that.” “More of this, please!” It shifts your focus from scarcity to abundance, and that simple switch creates momentum.
And the universe answers in ways you couldn’t have imagined. You might (sorry, you WILL) receive even more financial abundance, deeper relationships, and unexpected opportunities you didn’t even ask for.

Word of Caution

infographic on 4+ beliefs you need to learn to sustain your manifestations

Nonetheless, I have a word of caution for you: this is how you manifest things into your life; this is the real deal. Like, this works!
But one thing that you have to keep in mind is whether you will be able to sustain your manifestations.

What do I mean by that?

Let’s take an SP (Specific Person) as an example:
Will you be able to keep that person in your life once they are back? Because they will come back—there is no other way; that is a given.

But what happens when they start triggering you again because they took too long to reply, for example? Or when they start following random girls on Instagram?

Why Does This Happen?

Because this 68-second method does not automatically change YOUR self-concept.
And if your self-concept is not addressed and healed, you will run into this kind of problem, and THEY. WILL. TRIGGER. YOU.
You will most probably fall back into old patterns and habits. Plus, especially when it comes to people, your current self-concept will always attract a specific version of them. Only if you heal, grow, and level up can the partner that you desire mirror you.

Maybe it will still be the past person that you desire, and they will appear in your life exactly how you want them. Or maybe it will be a completely different person that you suddenly start desiring.
Whatever it is, you will be satisfied. So that is really important: self-concept and self-love should be your number 1 priority.

Conclusion: Manifest Your Best Life with the 68-Second Method

For everyone who made it this far, thank you so much—I seriously love you all! 💖

So, what have learned today:

  • Circumstances Don’t Matter: Your current situation is powerless and will fade when you stop giving it attention.
  • Focus on the Vision: Keep your attention on your dream life for 68 seconds to manifest anything & anyone quickly.
  • Timer Exercise: Set a timer for 68 seconds, and write about your dream reality until the timer rings.
  • The Power of 68 Seconds: This concept is rooted in the Law of Attraction by Abraham Hicks, emphasizing the importance of dominant thoughts.
  • Starve Negative Thoughts: Stop identifying with negative “I am” statements (e.g., “I am broke”), and instead focus on positive affirmations.
  • Consistency is Key: Practice this exercise daily, especially upon waking, when feeling triggered, or before bedtime.
  • Indirect Focus: Instead of fixating on the object of desire (money, relationships), concentrate on how it will serve you and improve your life.
  • Gratitude Practice: Incorporate gratitude for what you already have to shift your mindset from lack to abundance.
  • Sustainability of Manifestations: Ensure you can sustain your manifestations; by working on healing and improving your self-concept to avoid falling back into old patterns.
infographic about the 68 second method

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